Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 29 This Week and Spiritual Things 3.13.17

Long story short: I went to a lot of meetings, and felt a massive
the amount of the spirit.

Miracles: we found a girl named Xizi, she is maxed prepared. She texted
us this morning, and she said that she had an amazing experience
reading her Book of Mormon

Funny stories:
elder draper got hit on by a girl at a Latvian girl at chopsticks and
got free food from her.
We also carried a manikin across London for an investigator

Short story long: I'm going to treat this like my journal now, because
my journaling has gone out the window with my new leadership position.
So I'll start off from last Monday, we had a lesson with what we
thought was a member and a referral of her brother. But it just turned
out to be her RM brother, at was embarrassing😂 right after we had a
spiritual thought before FHE, and I was super pumped to give it. I
wanted the ward to remember who we were and that the missionaries
aren't messing about anymore, so I shared the new "first vision" video
and we bore solid testimony of the restoration and the need to spread
the gospel due to it. The spirit was very strong, I wanted it to
motivate some people to be better with missionary work. But nothing has
really panned out because of it. Tuesday we found like Dragons 🐉
talking with everyone we could see, and then we had another member
lesson with a member. She served in temple square and she was a zone
leader there, en when she did her three transfers out of temple square
she was an STL. She gave me advice about being a district leader, she
was hardcore. Wednesday again we found like dragons 🐉 and we watched
the face to face with President Eyring and elder Holland. I learned so
much about personal revelation and the true order of prayer. We had a
bunch of zone leaders over because of the mission tour, and before
they came I hid all our food in my room in the sock drawer and under
my bed. Then in the morning they all complained about not getting
cereal, then they yelled at me for not giving them food ( there was 8
people in our flat, all wanting a full breakfast) I then told them
they could have breakfast if they went and bought it.  ( side note,
due to the assistants to the president living next door to us we feed
them constantly and the zone leaders who go on exchange with them, and
we don't get any extra money than any our missionary. On top of that
food is twice the price in London.) so I wasn't to keen on feeding
more people than I had too. I felt like grandpa Webb for a short
moment. Thursday was weekly planning, elder draper isn't too keen on
doing that so it wasn't a good weekly planning because he spent most
of the time looking out the window. You can tell it's not a good
planning when throughout the week you have to spend more than 30
minutes planning in the morning, planning for things you should of on
Friday, but in this case, it was Thursday. This was due to the mission
tour being on Friday. It was very spiritual, we were to read John
13-17. He general authority presiding was elder Phillips, Elder 
O'Hares (My MTC companion) uncle! I also got to see Elder O'Hare that
was super fun. I also saw elder mora for the first time after the
transfer. He basically confessed all his sins in one of his comments
during the mission tour. I love that guy so much, he has really grown
since the last time I saw him. Saturday morning was District leader
council, and it was my first time. It is a time to really talk about
how we can improve and help each other and set goals for the zone. It
was my first time but I participated a lot. And even set a DLC goal.
Saturday was the zone training meeting as well, and I had to give the
opening remarks ( basically a lesson) on John 15. I was given about 3
hours head notice so I had no time to prepare. It was still very
powerful I think. I was really puttered out afterward, and I had to
get ready for ward council to make sure our friend baji was getting
baptized this upcoming week. On Sunday during ward council, they went
straight for my throat, but due to me meeting almost every member of
the council personally teaching them a lesson the elder's quorum
president helped me out and we can get him baptized now. The church was
relaxing. I'm kind of tired typing now, so I'll just leave with this.
I'm tired but I got a lot of work done, someone is getting baptized.

Week 28 The first full week as a DL 3.7.17

Long story short: working with members actually works!

Miracles: we taught our ward mission leader when we were doing all our
member visits, and he texted us afterwards and thanked us for taking
it back to the basics for him. It was very sweet and sincere.

Frustrating stories: I stopped a Chinese girl and asked her a
question. She stood there for about 10 seconds looked at us and then
walked away, it was after a long day of finding so I got super
frustrated with her. But elder draper knew exactly when I was going to
get frustrated and told me off for getting frustrated, it really put
things in perspective for me.

Funny stories:
elder draper fell down the up escalator at least once a day.
The elders were wrestling in the flat so I joined in, and within
seconds of me wrestling I sprained someone's wrist. Never

Short story long: starting off on Tuesday, we went street contacting
at this new place called Knightsbridge. Elder draper and I went there
to challenge ourselves and find some new places to find, we get there
and everyone is Muslim and can't speak English. We went pretty hard
and only took a 10-minute break to eat dinner. We found a Chinese
student who met missionaries over 8 years ago and they helped him
move. He still isn't convinced that there is a god, but trust me I'll
get that man in this life or in the next. Wednesday I kicked off my
vision of creating a better missionary and members relationship, I
started meeting with members one on one and sharing a brief but
powerful message on prayer; then after the message, I ask how they feel
missionary work has been going on in the ward and how it can be
better. Then for the ringer, I ask them how they can help accomplish
and fulfill their idea. #theygotbeat@theirowngame#youcanconaconman. We
met with Amiee first which was really good, she's cool and didn't mind
us trying out our little experiment. It was very good feedback on
missionary work and how to fulfill our duty on incorporating the
members in the work (something that has been lacking before). Then we
met with one of my good friends Samuel Baxter, and he gave us very
good feedback as well. But turns out without him telling anyone he
just left to Germany the next day for 4 years without transferring
his bye Samuel😂. Thursday I continued on my visions no
met up with the FHE coordinator, the Bishop, and the elder's quorum
counselor. The FHE coordinator is allowing us to give a 10-minute
spiritual thought on missionary work during FHE, this will really help
people become missionary minded. Bishop isn't that missionary minded,
but I got to talk to him about our meeting every member in the ward. He
told me he wanted a list so he could count it as home teaching. So
looks like the word is getting 100% home teaching this month😂 Friday
again we met with a lot of fantastic members and learned about their
lives, it was fantastic. Frequency and Dave are two guys that we met,
they are way cool! Saturday we had a lunch and dinner appointment (
never heard of in Britannia), and we said goodbye to our friend
Gabrielle, who is, fortunately, getting married! We wished him the best
in his adventures. We then had a dinner appointment with a New
Zealander named Aaron, chilliest guy you will ever meet. We had a
laugh and a good conversation on missionary work. Sunday we had a
Northern Europe Area conference where we heard from the area
presidency and elder Ballard. It was packed even though it was only a
broadcast. I got to see elder O'Hare who is also a district leader,
and like always we had a laugh. Probably laughed until we cried 😂 I
had a sit down with our ward mission leader and talked about how to
make the word more missionary minded. By the end of the week, we got 8
referrals, and 3 appointments from members. It was a good work week
and we grinded, we obviously could have done better on finding on our
own efforts; but even still we found 5 new investigators. The Lord is
gracious to those who strive to apply all that has been given, with
online technology and the members especially. I challenged my district
to meet with members to get more familiar with them and challenged the
zone as well. I hope we can make Britannia what it always could be. I
love you all, be safe and love the simple things😊

Week 27 5 Days in and Everything is still ok! 2.27.17

Long story short:
It was a good week as district leader, my district is building unity
(and is a lot younger than me by means of time on the mission. Except the
AP's are in my district). We are working hard to build unity with

Funny stories:
 Elder draper and I stopped a girl, she stood about 6 feet away. She
knew exactly who we were. She stopped, and tiptoed around an
invisible bubble like a ninja and dashed away into the crowd. I could
not stop laughing, who would do such a ridiculous thing to not talk to
some one😂
Elder mora brought four suitcases and he thought he could bring them
while he transferred ( you are only supposed to have two, and he white
washed so no one could help him when they transferred). I cared the
bigger two for him to get to the meetup point, and he carried the
smaller two and he couldn't do it. He actually dropped them down the
tube station stairs. It was sad but it was hilarious because every
single elder told him it was going to happen.

Short story long:
This has been my first week as a district leader, and it has been an
experience! Starting off Wednesday, I got my companion Elder draper.
He is an enthusiastic Lindon, Utah boy. I feel he is the Amulek to my
Alma ( Elder Uchtdofs Conference talk about Alma & Amuelek), he is a
good example to me about diligence in hard work. We had a lesson with
our friend Izabelle, and our companionship unity really helped her
progress; the lesson was so good we were able to help her realize she
her lack of real intent, and we helped her overcome it! The next day
was district meeting, let me tell you I was nervous. I wanted to try
something new and set a district vision or something we want to
accomplish this transfer, I hope it works out 😂 but it went alright.
Elder draper and I had the longest weekly planning I have ever had,
but we set solid goals to accomplish. Saturday we went out and found
like Dragons 🐉 Elder Draper and I destroyed London and the Lord has
given us all of it. On Sunday we went to church and our friend Ling
was confirmed and received the Holy Ghost. I have tried something new
this Sunday, I pulled aside some of the ward council and see if I
could schedule some time with them and see what missionaries could do
better with the hidden intention of teaching them to be missionaries
and asking for referrals. Which it worked out pretty well, we got four
referrals from the elder's quorum president and someone from the elder's
quorum. It was pretty awesome to see how missionary work isn't
complete without the members. I don't have a lot to report on, but
this preparation day has been pretty cool so far. We went grocery
shopping at Aldi (think of the cheapest food possible, that's the
place it is), them we get the rest of our stuff from Pound land. The
equivalent of the dollar store, and got our cereal, canned goods, and
toilet paper😂 (I'm known as a pretty cheap missionary, I refuse to go

Week 26 Big News! 2.21.17

Long story short:
my companion starts throwing up and urinating blood so we go to the
doctors most of the week, we work hard from the chapel skyping people,
I get called as district leader of central London.

Frustrating stories:
well we showed up to each doctors appointment approx. 2 hours early,
and they still didn't get us in on time or actually tell us what was
wrong with elder mora( we still don't know what is wrong with him)

Funny stories:
One of our recent Chinese converts had a talk and he got up and said "
I don't know if I believe if god exists......" we all went deathly
silent he then said, " but I'm willing to try and believe". It was
funny because when I heard him say that I felt the eyes of all the
members on us. Thinking, what are those missionaries teaching these
asians😂 but it was a good talk, and he believes in god

Short story Long:
On Tuesday we found for 5 hours straight, it was hardcore. I've been
trying to experiment and try new things with this area because it is
so white and ready to harvest, I thought I would go off the beaten
path of missionary work. On Wednesday we had a couple of lessons, one
with Izabella a model from imperial college (she's a model for
charity, so don't think it's too big). We taught the plan of salvation
and the sabbath Day, and like with all "smart" people they ask dumb
questions. Such as"¿if I were to grow a brain, how would judgment be
for that brain?"; Those are the questions I get in this are. In the
end, she said it would be in her best interest to not keep the sabbath
Day Holy and to go to the telestial kingdom because most of the
people she knows would be there. So maybe I didn't share that message
as best I could. After that we taught a former investigator named
Hudanir, she will be getting baptized next month (hopefully, we all
know how my baptisms go). But she actually came back herself, after
taking a two-month break from the church, because she said she missed
the spirit of peace she felt. On Thursday my companion said he was
experiencing some pain, and that there was urine in his blood. So for
the next 3 days, we were in and out of the doctor's office trying to
figure it out, his condition seemed to worsen throughout the week.
After president gave him a blessing on Saturday his condition seemed
to improve (I'm still skeptical if he was really even sick or just
needed a rest). On Sunday we had another ward council. I came super
prepared, probably the most prepared I've shown up to a meeting. I
emailed all these copies and printed out copies myself, and we didn't
even talk about them. But the Bishop emailed my ward mission leader
and complemented my deep commentary I had on the ward and its
strengths, weaknesses, and how we can improve. It was a ward
conference, and it was really spiritual with bishops remarks on having
a more fulfilling life. Anyways the area had 2 baptisms this Sunday,
one with Boya and one with Ling. It was spiritual and brilliant to
see. I was excited to be there. On Monday elder mora still needed a
day off ( I'm depleted from studying now, I've studied most of the
teachings of Brigham young. Pretty good). We got our call for
transfers, and I've been made district leader of Britannia. The
central YSA ward of England. I'm excited about this new responsibility
and hope to magnify my assignment. I will be getting Elder Draper as a
new companion.

Week 25 Miracles in Britannia 2.13.17

Short story long: the lord blessed us with 5 new investigators in a
drought of investigators in the zone. I rebuked my leaders for
rebuking me unjustly and based on false doctrine and earned their
respect for standing true to the principles of the gospel doctrine. My
investigators had a good time at church being spiritually and
temporally fed.

Funny times: Elder Robertson and I on our exchange had a funny moment.
I was tired of the same old conversations on the street so I set out
to teach the law of chastity. I stopped a group of 3 guys and had a
small 12-minute lesson with them on the street and taught them the
doctrine, gave them a pamphlet, but unfortunately no return
appointment. It was hilarious but also spirit filled. He didn't think
it could be done, but through the Lord, all things can be done

Frustrating times: we went to ward council and like always they blamed
everything on the missionaries and someone openly said they don't
want to talk to our investigators. Elder mora and I are planning a
culture change and we are going to be uber prepared this next week
ward council and we are going to hold them accountable for their

Long story long: starting off at the beginning of the week, we had
zone conference on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun seeing elder chu again
and my old district, catching up and following up on investigators I
left behind. Zone conference is always an amazing spiritual experience
along with really informative and instructional on what we could be
doing to improve our missionary work. We always play a game called
"MIND THE GAP" which is just a program to help you learn the PMG
points of teaching the lessons. I accidently rebuked my AP for messing
up on the gap point in front of the three zones attending (but he did
rebuke me first trying to correct my already correct GAP point), I
felt bad and apologized later on. But I earned some respect for
memorizing the GAP points and standing true to the truth. The day was
used up by them with other missionary meetings in Britannia. Wednesday
we ground hard in street contacting, with little avail. We were doing
12 weeks at the end of the day(a training aid for new missionaries
that last their first two transfers, or 12 weeks), we were waiting for
an appointment with an investigator that didn't confirm their
appointment and had a history of not showing up. When we were doing
that a woman, name Hudanar walked up to us with the visiting center
sisters and asked us to teach her. To my surprise in the first time in
my life, I was speechless. In asking only a few questions a few months
she had already been taught everything and actually was about to be
baptized but due to some family pressures dropped out. She
investigated a few other churches but circled back around because
this was the only church she found peace in. We read and taught her
from the Book of Mormon and she became a new investigator, she
actually came to church as well but that is further down in the email.
Thursday we went on exchanges and I was with elder Robertson, an
English man who has lived in Germany for most of his accountable life.
We had a very ambitious day planned ahead of us when we stopped this
man on the street named Tom. He like every Common English citizen in
their twenties is more atheist than agnostic. We talked about god and
his purpose and plan for us. The conversation went nowhere, but like
PMG say "rarely of ever should you have a conversation without leaving
a commitment" so we invited him to meet with us with little
expectation to get an appointment. But to our surprise, he wanted to
meet just 2 hours later. We set the appointment and reset our plans,
planned for him and were ready to go. He came and we attempted to
teach him, again he disagreed with every point of doctrine and he
denied the existence of god. The spirit was there as elder Robertson
and I boldly testified about god and his love for us. We didn't ask
for a return appointment or anything really, but he asked if we could
meet again and bring his friend as well. So we are meeting him again
today actually. That will be an interesting one. Moving on to Friday,
we were able to meet with this girl elder mora and I stopped at the
beginning of the transfer, an English student who doubles as a model.
We never expected to meet her or teach her, she was very interested in
the formation of the church. We originally planned for the plan of
salvation, but I was prompted due to her interest to change and talk
about the restoration of the restored gospel through Joseph smith and
elaborate more on the importance of the Book of Mormon. She was
delightful and we are meeting her again this Wednesday. On Saturday we
were given a list of 12 people who are now less active or inactive in
the church, so we set out to track them down. We were given this
assignment because of the nature of the ward, people just come in for
short periods of time and aren't able to willing to tell the ward
where to send the records.  We traveled and knocked on each of their
doors, and none of them were home. But it was informative to know if
someone lives there or they don't which we were able to acquire from
their neighbors ( If I'm traveling to you flat which is an hour away
I'm knocking your neighbors flat). Elder Mora, was born and raised in
Britannia, which means he has never knocked a door in his life. We
were in a neighborhood on the outskirts of London, and I thought why
not give him that experience ( we don't knock doors because to be
honest, YSA doesn't own flats, houses, or anything really; so it isn't an
effective use of time. But we had some time and I wanted to see him do
it. We knock a door according to how the spirit guided elder mora, and
a YSA guy opened and we had a good conversation about doctrine. Then
he invites us in ( I've only been invited in once before this), and we
talk about the need of a modern day prophet to guide us through times
of tribulation. He became a new investigator. He also wanted to play
need for speed with us but we politely declined. Sunday our friend
Hudanar ( hope you haven't forgotten her at this point) came to church!
She had a very good time seeing old friends, and she is very confident
and introduced herself to everyone! She almost left early bc she was
very hungry, but another investigator of the church brought a bunch of
sushi for the missionaries. So we are sushi in the kitchen with her
and another investigator named Angus. It was kind of fun just us
hanging out eating sushi during the intermission between classes, our
district leader tried to rebuke me over it. But she was actually going
to go home and eat, so when I said that There was sushi she had no
excuse to leave. I feel bad for rebuking him over that actually😂.
That was my week and I hope you survived to get this far

Week 24 This Week of Sickness 2.6.17

Spiritual uplifting: elder mora revealed to me during a conversation
that during interviews president expressed to him that our
companionship was the most inspired out of all of the others. This was

Frustrating stories: I was sick this week. I also saw some pictures of
me before my mission and realized I'm fat. So now I'm on a salad diet,
and eating fruits for breakfast and veggies for dinner. So you can
basically say that my life is coming to an end as I was forced to buy
all that food for myself. I looked into the mirror and realized I have
never peeled an orange before...but today was the day
Grocery shopping was fun today because since I wrote my name on all
our food the other companionship didn't eat our stuff. So we actually
have stuff left over. What a miracle!

P-day adventures: went to the free mansion temple and learned more
about temple symbolism

Funny stories: on Saturday there was a nationwide party, they were
all on the tubes. All college and university students got on in their
costumes and cracked open a cold beer and partied. Little did they
know we were on board, people mistook us for missionaries from the
"book of Mormon" play and complemented us on our commitment. Not much
missionary work was done that hour.
That guy last week who thought we were filthy rich called us back and
wanted all our "financial contacts" and wanted to take us to a night
club. He is exactly like tom from parks and rec.

Long story short: this week was rough but the lord blessed me with
investigators despite my brattiness, and humbled me during Zone
training meeting

Short story long: this week has been a one of sickness. Our entire
flat got colds; headaches, fevers, sore throats, the works. I was the
second one to go down, I got sick but kept working until I couldn't
anymore. I took a nap and then kept trucking on. We all really planned
around our sickness this week because the enthusiasm for the work
wasn't quite as strong as your head is pounding. But as we put our
shoulder to the wheel the Lord blessed us continually throughout the
week. The president's standards are to find 3 new friends to
investigate the church and have 2 friends come to church. We were
definitely blessed as a former investigator Natasha we contacted on
the phone rediscovered an interest in the church and decided to meet
with us again. She is an English YSA who has a years worth of lessons
under her belt, she was a tough one. She came in like a dragon with
false doctrine from the internet asking questions she didn't even
really understand. But through the inspiration of the spirit elder mora
and I was able to thoroughly teach her gods plan of happiness for us
and it truly caught her interest. We have been forewarned by our
assistants to the president and our ward mission leader that she is a
tough one and to be careful with her. With another friend Renee, she
is a Malaysian girl who wanted to know more of the constructs of
Christianity and our beliefs. We met in Lester square next to china
town. ( side note I was very ill that day and I had to lay down before
the lesson). We taught her who god was and the importance of Jesus
Christ, and elaborated on the separation of god, christ, and the Holy
Ghost. We also discussed the importance of faith, repentance, and
baptism. While we were teaching her all this a homeless man walked up
to us and started talking with me and scared elder mora and Renee, I
didn't want the spirit to leave so I gave him some peace. He wanted
more but honestly, I didn't have more, I'm a missionary I'm constantly
broke😂 after the lesson we just did some phone contacting while I
laid down. We found a lot of success in finding people through the
phone, Facebook, and what (it's the way Chinese communicate due to
the strict internet usage in china). I have been praying so much for
my area to improve and to find opportunities to teach, and I felt like
my prayers were not being answered. Later on that week we went to zone
training meeting where we discuss the zone goals or investigators, and
baptisms going on. They put all the districts investigators on the
board, they started with our district. Only two companionships have
people on a date in our district ours and our district leaders, when we
went through our investigators and their troubles they said alright
that's everyone. I was astonished, out of our entire zone we were the
only companionships to have any investigators. It humbled me, it also
made me feel sorrow for asking and pleading for finding success in
inviting others to come to Christ and having very stern conversations
with him which I have repented of. It really put into perspective to
me how much the lord has blessed me personally in my life, and how
much I need to pray to recognize those blessings.
Benjamin sent a lot of photos!! Old and new